In my immature and younger days, I used to pray for predominantly materials things such as more money, a big house, a fancy car, a tall, dark and handsome man to call my own, and the insignificant list goes on and on and on and on. Society insinuates these things are the way to love and happiness. Or better yet, these items could position me to the “successful” social status. But one day after having had a very personal and real encounter with God which caused me to totally yield myself to Him, as well as to eagerly give myself away to others, I realized immediately that the only route to genuine love and true happiness was in the God Who created me. Now don’t get me wrong, all those aforementioned temporary items are nice and okay to have, but they are not my all and all. He, my heavenly Father, Lord and Savior is!
This past Sunday, I was so honored and blessed to have been invited as Guest Speaker at a breakfast serving to the homeless at the First Seventh Day Adventist Church of Washington, DC (thank you my Royal Family at this part of Zion for extending me such a warm and welcoming invitation). I was tremendously humbled and abundantly blessed. Since walking in ministry as His Evangelist since 2002, this was by far the most gratifying and life-changing Kingdom assignment that I’ve ever fulfilled. Breaking bread (both naturally and spiritually) with brothers and sisters who were temporarily experiencing probably the lowest points ever in their lives made me realize not only how truly blessed I am, but how good and compassionate our Father God is. In fact, it was the exact opposite of the speaking engagement I’d fulfilled just a day before–a women’s fellowship and pool party at a beautiful home on five acres of land with luxurious landscaping. Yes, the power of God moved at this assignment tremendously as well: Women received their healing as well as spiritually birthed out their passionate purposes to leave this beautiful home changed forever (myself included).
As the Holy Spirit spoke a Word of exhortation and encouragement through me to the homeless, there was not one disengaging eye or non-praiser in the house of the Lord: Everyone was praising and worshipping God along with me in the midst of their storms. I candidly shared and summed up my personal testimony by letting them know that I too had experienced having much as well as loosing everything. I stated to them, “your value isn’t determined by your current temporary circumstances, but by your position in the Kingdom of God through Jesus Christ the Lord. Trusting, believing and depending on Him can take you from the pit to the palace. You are not here to stay, but are simply passing through to gain a testimony that will bring God glory in the earth.” The anointing of God the Holy Spirit filled the room and all of us began praising God in spite of our reason for being there. I’ve unfortunately seen people with much refuse to praise God in the midst of service, but I was now witnessing those with nothing doing so. I was in complete awe! The miraculous healing virtue and saving grace of Jesus Christ reigned in the room amongst God’s people–black and white, rich and poor.
After speaking, as I normally do with Godly Love being my specialization, I traveled throughout the room embracing those who allowed me to do so. As I hugged each one, I could feel their burdens being lifted and their hearts filling with joy for the first in a long time. Tears were streaming down my face as God’s love flowing through me to them, and reciprocally, from them to me was doing so like a mighty rushing wind. To walk in the love and compassion of my Savior was at the moment the greatest gift I’d ever received or given. I didn’t want to stop, nor did I want to leave.
I took my seat so emotionally and spiritually filled up, all I could do was pray a prayer of thanksgiving to my God for choosing and using me for this particular and humbling assignment. My honor came from being in their midst, not I being in their’s.
Who can be compared with the Lord our God, who is enthroned on high? He stoops to look down on heaven and on earth. He lifts the poor from the dust and the needy from the garbage dump. He sets them among princes, even the princes of his own people! (Psalm 113:5-8)
My personal prayer to my Lord is that no matter how high he takes me in this life or how materially blessed I become, keep me a humbled, loving and giving person: May I always remember where I came from and help someone else to reach not merely where I am, but where I’m yet still going.
To all of my brothers and sisters in the world who are currently experiencing hardtimes, pains and disappointments, I say to you, hold on, your help is not on the way, but available to you right now through Jesus Christ who died and rose again just for you and I. Trouble doesn’t last always; everything will be all right!
Thank you First Seventh Day Adventist Church of Washington, DC (particularly Elder Rufus Simpkins) and Shekinah Glory Prayer Circle (Founder, Sharon D. Owens) for blessing me with the greatest and most rewarding speaking engagement or Kingdom assignment I’ve ever done.
Thank you heavenly Father for using me to fulfill it. Continue to wash and purify me so that I can be used by You Lord even the more not for fame or fortune, but for Your glory! As my Senior Pastor & Apostle Mom, Dr. Betty P. Peebles, often quotes and reminds her children at Jericho City of Praise, I am performing for an audience of one–my God–the One in Whom I trust, lean and depend on at all times!
In His Love,
Your Sister Darnella